Out near Hollister in San Benito county there are some wineries out in them thar hills . These wineries are not well known for the most part and the style of winemaking there is unique to the climate, very very hot in the summer. The wines are intense,flavorful and alcoholic....maybe a taste to much for the European pallet but folks here are usually pretty knocked out with how good the wines are, particularly the Zin and Syrah.Pietra Santa makes both and the Zin pictured here is consistanly powerful both in flavor and complexity. At over 15% alcohol it is also not far from and apertif but it really is a wine that you can have with certain foods. As far as Zin goes, it is tough to find one more intense and expressive in the Sierra Foothills style-even if it is made many miles from there. I give it 8 1/2 swiggs....definitely a weekend quality wine for $ 15.95.
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